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Testijiet tal-EPSO

multiple choice tests

Il-kompetizzjonijiet jew il-proċeduri ta’ selezzjoni tal-EPSO jinkludu sensiela ta’ testijiet immirati lejn il-valutazzjoni tal-kompetenzi ġenerali u speċifiċi. 

L-Avviż ta’ Kompetizzjoni huwa l-uniku dokument uffiċjali li fih informazzjoni dettaljata dwar it-testijiet proprja użati mill-EPSO għal kompetizzjoni partikolari.
L-avviżi kollha jiġu ppubblikati f’Il-Ġurnal Uffiċjali tal-Unjoni Ewropea.

Din il-paġna fiha xi eżempji ta’ testijiet li jistgħu jintużaw mill-EPSO fil-kompetizzjonijiet tiegħu, maħsuba biss biex il-kandidati prospettivi jsiru aktar familjari mal-istruttura u l-kontenut tagħhom. Din il-paġna mhijiex maħsuba biex tħarreġ lill-kandidati biex jgħaddu mit-testijiet ta’ selezzjoni tagħna. Dan ma jaqax taħt il-mandat tal-EPSO.

Jekk tixtieq issir taf aktar dwar il-proċeduri ta’ selezzjoni tal-EPSO, nissuġġerulek tara wkoll il-paġna Testijiet tal-EPSO: Miti u Fatti.

Nistednuk ukoll taqra l-qafas ta’ kompetenza ġenerali tal-EPSO għal aktar informazzjoni dwar il-kompetenzi meqjusa essenzjali għal prestazzjoni effettiva fi kwalunkwe impjieg partikolari, mill-istituzzjonijiet u l-korpi tal-UE li jservi l-EPSO. Uħud minn dawk il-kompetenzi jiġu vvalutati mill-EPSO matul il-fażi tas-selezzjoni, oħrajn jiġu vvalutati mill-istituzzjonijiet u l-korpi tal-UE nfushom matul il-fażi ta’ reklutaġġ. 



Main steps

  • Eligibility - evaluation of eligibility criteria and minimum requirements is done by the Selection Board.
  • Talent screener- only used for specialist competitions. In their application form, candidates are asked to list all their professional skills, experience and qualifications, which will then be assessed by the Selection Board.
  • Computer based multiple-choice tests - verbal, numerical, abstract reasoning tests and, for certain specialist competitions, tests on field-related competencies. All tests are remotely proctored. 
  • Assessment centre phase - the final stage for the testing of general and field-related competencies under EPSO’s former competition model (published until the end of 2022). Through various tests, Selection Board members evaluate skills such as analysis and problem-solving, communicating, prioritising and organising, delivering quality and results, and others. The Assessment Centre tests are organised in an online format (remote) and the tests usually take place on different dates.

Types of tests

Below for each profile you can find the list of possible tests and some samples of questions that candidates may encounter.

Administrators (AD-Generalists)

Administrators (AD–Specialists)

Assistants (AST)

Assistants (AST-SC)

Interpreters (AD)

Lawyer-linguists (AD)

Translators (AD)


On this page you will find some sample tests that candidates may have to pass when taking part in the Contract Agents / CAST Permanent selection procedure.

All these tests will be computer-based and you will take them at the same time via remotely proctored testing. 

Reasoning skills tests:

  • Verbal (assesses your ability to think logically and understand verbal, numerical information). Try our verbal sample tests.
  • Numerical (assesses your ability to think logically and understand numerical information). Try our numerical sample tests.
  • Abstract (assesses your ability to think logically and understand the relations between concepts involving no linguistic, spatial or numerical elements). Try our abstract sample tests.

Competency test for each profile

Currently, EPSO is responsible only for organising the reasoning skills tests, but not for the competency tests. The recruiting services of the EU institutions have adapted the selection procedure of Contract Agents accordingly, and keep their relevant services informed of the applicable procedure.